
Perfect location

Less than a kilometer from Wrocław Eastern Bypass. It’s just a few minutes’ drive away.

The proximity of the ring road is an undoubted advantage of the location of our halls in Dobrzykowice.

Our halls in Dobrzykowice

Location of the production-warehouse halls in Dobrzykowice near Wrocław has many advantages: convenient geographical location, availability of infrastructure, access to qualified staff and easy access to local, national, or global markets due to numerous transportation options (highway, railway, airport).

The concept of constructing additional halls in Dobrzykowice allows for investment realization in two variants:

  • Variant I – three separate halls – F, G, H
  • Variant II – one large hall – F1

Variant I

Hall [m2] Social facilities and office space [m2]
Hall F 2 185 400
Hall G 1 954 350
Hall H 1 703 250

Variant II

Hall [m2] Social facilities and office space [m2]
Hall F 7 704 900
Hall G 1 954 350
Hall H 1 703 250

Possible functions of halls in Dobrzykowice

Typical and specialized production
Warehouses and sorting rooms
High-bay warehouses
Fire hazardous goods
Cold storage warehouses: temperature up to -25° C
Rapid cooling chambers
Controlled atmosphere rooms
Applying paint and PVC coatings
Paint warehouses
Loading docks
Sprinkler installations
Gas and dust reduction systems
Other functions determined by design

Detailed hall concepts

Let's talk!

Check with us in a conversation why it is worth choosing special halls with our support.

+48 602 640 793

+48 602 640 793

Opening Hours

We work from Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.